Following up a bit on the last post, about almost everyone else around you being NPCs, the thing about it is... well, we are all pre-programmed since we are young based on different factors in our lives.
Be it our parents, our friends, our school, the environment around us, etc.
Also, each of us will react to stimulus differently. So even if we face the same lessons, we might learn different things from it.
Our ability to accept new ideas, our ability to learn new lessons, or how fast we learn from our mistakes is also part of the programming which we got when we were younger.
Some people, when you introduce them to an idea, they pick up on it very quickly. Build upon it and get up to speed very quickly. You see that when you work. Some people understand things very fast.
Others... you can explain it once, then they stare at you blankly, then you have to find a different way to explain it, then they still don't understand.
Now, this manifests in many aspects of our lives, and financial independence or early retirement is just one of the ideas which people get, or they don't get.
For some people, the pre-programmed idea that people need to work, is independent from the idea that work is to provide money.
For other people, work is for money, there is a clear direct linkage.
So for some people, they think that people need to work. Even if they have money, people just need to work.
Then for other people, they think that money is only earned from work, if you don't work, you don't have money.
The truth, as we know it, is somewhere in between.
Now, there's nothing wrong with thinking either way.
It's their own way of how they look at life and the factors that make up their lifestyle.
The issue, however, is trying to introduce new ideas to people when they are not willing to, or ready to accept it.
Now, I'm not saying everyone should gain be FI or retire early.
I'm talking about people being able to accept new ideas.
I have friends who understand the idea behind FIRE, but they don't aspire for it.
And I also have friends, who just don't get it. They get stuck at the point of "Then where are you going to get money?". To these folks, they believe that people need to work to earn money.
These are what I call the NPCs.
Cos I have to interact with them in predetermined ways to prevent their programming from breaking. Cos they don't know how to talk when they get introduced to new ideas. They need to keep within their programming.
We all fall victim to this fallacy of being unable to accept new ideas.
For instance, some people reject the idea of dumpster diving.
Some people reject different religions.
Some people reject different foods. If you eat fish, chicken, beef, etc... then you shouldn't have anything to say about people eating dogs.
The thing is, we are probably all NPCs in our own way.
We are all pre-programmed with our own value system and belief system since young and what we are willing to accept as "ok" ideas.
And in our own way, we all either get it, or don't get it.
Like the idea of freedom in the US, vs the nanny style of governance in SG.
The majority of folks in US will never understand why we would want and allow the government to nanny us so much in SG.
BUT on the flip side, many of us also don't understand why Americans are unwilling to wear masks "for the greater good".
Or why they don't ban guns.
A lot of Singaporeans just "don't get" the American version of freedom.
And A LOT of Americans won't be able to accept the "just follow law" style in SG.
And... well... a lot of times... we don't need to get it.
I mean... who cares right?
We could live our lives ignorant and life would just go on for most of us.
Except certain personality types which value knowledge and understanding of the world. These types tend to be more open to ideas and want to learn more.
But for most of us, it's not important.
UNTIL of course... when we need the knowledge... Well, eventually, most people WILL need to retire.
And without years of planning, retirement is pretty hard to achieve in a short time.
And that's when some people suddenly "get it".
Just like that uncle/friend or whoever, who smokes and drinks and eats anything he wants. And when people warn him, he doesn't care... until he gets a heart attack, then suddenly he's preaching about healthy lifestyle to everyone else.
Yep... he suddenly "got it".
So to close...
Well for most of us, ideas and knowledge isn't really needed until we need it.
And for most part, we don't need to care about it. Cos we will continue to live our lives.
However, "humans learn from pain or gain, the foolish learn from pain, the wise learn from gain". We actually get to choose when we want to learn. It's just whether we are willing to accept new knowledge at different intervals in our lives and do what's best for ourselves.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink.
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