Jerry has $10,000.
Jerry offers to buy the piece of paper for $10k.
Tom is willing to sell.
So Jerry now has the piece of paper and Tom has $10k.
Sometime later, Tom wants the paper back.
Jerry doesn't want to sell. So Tom says, "Ok. I'll buy 1/2 the piece of paper for $10k."
Jerry is ok with this so Jerry cuts the paper and sells 1/2 to Tom.
So now, Jerry has $10k and 1/2 the paper, and Tom has 1/2 the paper.
Sometime later, Jerry regrets selling the 1/2 piece of paper and approaches Tom.
Tom doesn't want to sell. So Jerry says, "Ok. I'll buy 1/4 for $10k."
Tom is ok with this so Tom cuts the paper again and sells 1/4 to Jerry.
So now, Tom has $10k and 1/4 of the paper and Jerry has 3/4 of the paper.
Sometime later, Tom regrets selling the 1/4 piece of paper and approaches Tom.
Jerry doesn't want to sell. So Tom says, "Ok. I'll buy 1/8 the piece of paper for $10k."
Jerry is ok with this so Jerry cuts the paper and sells 1/8 to Tom.
So now, Jerry has $10k and 5/8 the paper, and Tom has 3/8 the paper.
Sometime later, Jerry regrets selling the 1/8 piece of paper and approaches Tom.
Tom doesn't want to sell. So Jerry says, "Ok. I'll buy a 1/80 for $10k."
Tom is ok with this so Tom cuts the paper again and sells the 1/80 to Jerry.
So now, Tom has $10k and 29/80 of the paper and Jerry has 51/80 of the paper.
Sometime later, Tom regrets selling the 1/80 piece of paper and approaches Tom.
Jerry doesn't want to sell. So Tom says, "Ok. I'll buy 1/800 the piece of paper for $10k."
Jerry is ok with this so Jerry cuts the paper and sells 1/800 to Tom.
So now, Jerry has $10k and 509/800 the paper, and Tom has 291/800 the paper.
Sometime later, Jerry regrets selling the 1/800 piece of paper and approaches Tom.
Tom doesn't want to sell. So Jerry says, "Ok. I'll buy a 1/8000 for $10k."
Tom is ok with this so Tom cuts the paper again and sells the 1/8000 to Jerry.
So now, Tom has $10k and 2909/8000 of the paper and Jerry has 5091/8000 of the paper.
Tom and Jerry tell their friends that they are now worth $29,100,000 and $50,910,000 respectively.
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