Some of us didn't want to grow up...
So I think about it... what IF, we never grew up?
Some people think that humans NEED to work. That work contributes to society.
Or that people will deteriorate if they don't work.
But is this true?
Do we really NEED to work? Assuming that the basic necessities have already been taken care of.
So what IF since young, your/our parents created a fund for us, and this fund gives us $1,500 per month, adjusted for inflation as the years go by.
And we don't NEED to work EVER. It's not a lot of money but it's sufficient for a single person.
So at 12 years old, you can now do whatever you want.
Would it be human tendency to continue to study and progress to work after studying?
Or would it be normal for people to just continue playing without responsibilities?
Now, I think, not many children really like a normal school system. Where they have to study and get tested. Most children may not mind going to school to learn but when tests come about, no one really likes them.
Next, IF we didn't need to work, IF we didn't know that other responsibilities lay ahead of us, I think, many of us would have continued playing from 12 years old and kept on playing our whole lives, if we didn't need to think about the future.
So, I don't really think that humans are pre-programmed to work.
Humans need food, air, shelter, clothes, a few basic stuff, and that's about it.
And we have pretty much solved all these needs years back.
We used to be hunter-gatherers, and that provided an unstable food source.
So humans turned to farming and domesticating animals, and this resulted in stable food sources.
And that's it. If we stopped there, most humans would have had an abundant time to play and enjoy life.
But somehow humans aren't easily satisfied... they built things upon things upon things.
Building industries upon other industries.
And now, everyone is so busy and we all have to work and save and fight inflation.
Let's think about it... IF and that's a very big IF...
IF we cut off a large chunk of the unnecessary industries, and focused on what humans really needed.
Food, medical, shelter, some clothing, etc...
How many hours would people need to work? 1-3 hours a day?
With all the resources pumped into these important industries, would we have better cures to illnesses? Better quality food instead of all the processed food we have? Would we have less wastage of resources? Less rubbish generated?
Let's say we cut off 50%-80% of the fashion industry globally. Would that impact the well-being of the world? Yes, there would be large amounts of unemployment, but let's say we are able to redeploy them to other industries, would the other industries develop better? Would we have better medical care, better and cheaper medication?
What if we cut off 30% of the furniture industry?
Or 30% of the car industry?
Let's redeploy people to repair cars and furniture instead so that we consume less of the Earth's resources.
The idea that humans NEED to work is simply flawed. Humans worked cos they needed to feed themselves and provide security for their future. The way the current system stands, it creates INSECURITY for our future. So we work cos most of us aren't able to find security. That's what inflation does. It keeps us running. It keeps us working.
The truth is, many things are unnecessary and as a species, humans have created a system which drowns ourselves.
If we never needed to grow up, if we didn't need to take up responsibilities, none of us would want or need to work. It's just not part of our programming.
Think about it another way...
We always try to work less and achieve more. But yet for the past 20 years, working hours are about the same. Most people work when around 10 hours a day.
New industries are created, new desires are created, more consumption is required.
And yet, if these industries never existed, there would be absolutely nothing wrong, our parents lived in a generation when there were less things. If we applied our current level of technology and progress upon their world 50 years ago. The people would likely have to work half the amount of time but yet retain the same levels of productivity.
So no... I think that work and this current system is man-made and a ridiculous way to live our lives.
Humans don't really need or want to work, it's just the system that makes us think that's the way things are.
Not that we have much choice in the matter anyway...
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