No, really. I've always been someone who believes in light phone usage.
Else I wouldn't be able to do my SGD4 phone plan.
My phone is usually used for Whatsapp, calls, finding my way around, other uses include entertainment such as Facebook or reading some articles when waiting.
So really, please just put down that phone. There's someone who wants your attention, your kid, lover, family, friend, etc. They may not look like they want your attention, or they have moved on and started using their phone already. That sucks.
When do I think it's not ok to use the phone.
Mealtimes - please respect the food, the chicken, fish, etc which died so that you could eat
Eating/Hanging with someone - please respect the person accompanying you. I've seen a scene at Swensons, when a WHOLE family of 4, (2 parents and 2 kids), sitting around the table, the food hasn't come and they were ALL on their phones. Seriously, then why eat together in the first place?
When you're on transportation in another country - I believe in paying attention especially when in another country. You never know where your driver is taking you. People may say it's low risk, but any chance is still a chance. So I don't believe in posting those recently taken pictures when you're in a cab/uber overseas.
Basically, I think people should really just put down that phone whenever there is someone else around. We live, here, here as in the current space you are standing on, sitting on, not in some cyber reality in machines. I don't see what the addiction is. Now, I don't mind people checking messages. You never know if their parents are in need or some accident has happened or whatever. That's why we are now so connected. So a quick glace, sure, I think thats reasonable. But when I see people using their devices so wantonly, it makes me wonder, where have all the people to people relationships gone? Have people grown so attached to their devices that they have forgotten or never learnt how to play or interact with other people? To hold a decent conversation?
What are your interests? What did you do over the weekend? How are your parents/kids? How was that kickboxing course you signed up for? How is work?
These are stuff which you are supposed to talk about so as to better know your colleagues, friends, family, everyone! What happened to all of those? You're supposed to talk about government, complain about money, discuss about ideas, so many other things. What happened to them?
But NO! What I see are people using their devices almost all the time. There's no middle time, like if people are planning to eat together, means the activity is eating together. So from leaving the house, the device is free for all, during the car ride, the device is also used, walking to the restaurant, same, then ordering requires some attention, then back to the device again when waiting for the food. Ok food is here, the device is put down. Eat, talk a little, whoever finishes eating first, back to device. The same thing happens on the way back.
Sure, this might be a super exaggeration, but in reality, things don't happen too differently.
Really, live for the real people around you. Give them the attention they require, they should do the same back to you. Life is really just a fleeting moment. Imagine the people on MH370. People boarded the plane thinking it was just a normal short flight. They never returned. If someone dear to you was on that flight, would you think, if only I spent more time with that person? If only I showed I loved that person more? Did they leave without knowing how much I cared? People always think there's always tomorrow. Usually there is. One day, there won't be. Remember that Mercedes which travelled the opposite direction on the expressway? Someone died that day. It was just another normal day for him. He also never went home. That could have been anyone around you or it could have been you. Would you ever think, if only I spent more time with my kids, family, friends, or told them I loved them, when the mercedes rammed your vehicle? Would you have wanted 5 minutes more with that somebody? Or would you rather waste 5 minutes on Facebook?
The people around you could just leave you at the snap of your fingers. They went out that door this morning, or YOU went out that door this morning, and never came back. You read about these on the newspaper. Well they were someone's kid, mother, father, friend, colleague, whatever. That person on the newspaper could have been anyone. It could have been me or you or someone you know. Life's really fleeting.
No, seriously, just put down that device. Someone around you needs you.
So when do I feel it's reasonable to use your phone?
When there's no one around you, duh, obviously.
When you're on the MRT going to work and you're ALONE without a companion. I saw a teenage couple once, they were hugging each other on the MRT, AND using the phone with their arms around each other. Like you know, you hug the person, your head is on their shoulders, then the arm is behind the other party, yeah, they both had their phones in their hands and looking at it.
Or use your phone when you're waiting for someone. You're early for an appointment. Sure, by all means use the phone to pass time. There isn't anyone around you who needs your attention right now.
Or when you're trying to waste time at a job you hate, or when you're in the toilet.
There WILL be a time for you to use your device. There will be plenty of time. And even if you don't what's the loss?
At the rate we are using our phones, you'd think we'd all be dying if we were in the 1990s when phones weren't so common. Come on! I can even leave the phone at home for a whole day and not feel nervous. I know people who can't handle it. Think about what you did when you were younger. The iPhone 3 was released in June 2009. That was when it all started. That's just 7 years. What were you doing 7-10 years ago without your device?
So, yea, after you read this post, go and message someone you haven't talked to for sometime. Your grandparents or whoever (That's a legit reason to use your phone). Ask them how's their day. Or just put down your phone can chat with your kids, spouse, whoever's around you. THAT is your real life.