Look below...
What do you see?
Does a Big Breakfast have a slice of cheese in the muffin?
McDonald's Big Breakfast set is $7.20
What you get is scrambled eggs, a sliced muffin, a piece of sausage patty, a hashbrown and a drink.
The above is a Sausage McMuffin set ($4.50) + a side order of scrambled eggs ($1.80)... = $6.30
After deconstructing, you get scrambled eggs, a sliced muffin with cheese, a piece of sausage patty, a hashbrown and a drink...
Are you getting the picture yet?
Cheaper than Big Breakfast AND you get a free slice of cheese...
How about Sausage McMuffin with egg set ($5.40) + a side order of scrambled eggs ($1.80) = $7.20
You get scrambled eggs, a sliced muffin with cheese, a piece of sausage patty, a hashbrown and a drink PLUS A FRIED EGG...
For the same price as a Big Breakfast, you get an additional slice of cheese AND a fried egg...
Ok anyway... McDonald's have slight variations in pricing between different outlets. But... I'm sure you guys understand how to order next time.
Share this post with your friends. It's a good thing to share... Cos... I think it's pretty underhanded for McDonald's to be doing this.
The thing is... companies are charging consumers what they are willing to pay. And it doesn't really matter what the cost of the ingredients. Since customers are willing to pay $7.20 for a Big Breakfast, they will charge as such. Even though they can serve the same product for cheaper.
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