I was looking through the internet.
Seems like there's quite some difference.
Broke or rich... is pretty much in terms of a point in time.
Wealthy or poor is kinda like... a feeling, or a mind set.
A person can be broke, but not poor.
A person can be rich but not wealthy.
If you talk to people you may notice.
I know of people who are rich. They have a lot of assets. But they don't feel rich, they don't feel wealthy. Somehow they are always fearful, or they always feel money isn't enough. Their sense of insecurity is very high even though they have money and assets.
And yet I also know people who have less money than these folks, who don't feel like they are struggling. There are people who feel wealthy with less. They have enough, they are contented and they are people who are happy with life and overall, these people feel wealthy. Life is good for them.
And there are folks who don't have a lot. They may be broke or have very little cash on hand, but yet if you talk to them, they don't feel poor. They have a lot of hope in their lives, they know it's a passing period and that they will get themselves out of the situation somehow. Again I know/knew of someone like this, broke, but never considered himself poor. ("Knew" cos he's out of his rough situation.)
And then there's the broke and poor... No money, no hope, no will to fight anymore... Or dunno what to do to get themselves out of the situation.
In America, there are homeless people who have a job, who can't afford to rent a place or have a tough time getting a place to rent cos they may have poor credit scores. But they aren't poor. They are just in a complex situation where they can't find the opportunity to get themselves out of the homeless situation.
Are they poor? Are they broke?
Psychology or the mental state of a person may determine how different people handle each situation.
Does a lousy mentality/attitude result in a poor person?
Or is it due to someone being in a poor and hopeless situation for a long period of time result in a poor mentality and poor attitude?
How about for a wealthy person? Does more money make a rich person feel wealthy?
Or is a wealthy person just someone who has cultivated a state of mind which has made him wealthy?
I've seen rich people who feel poor, and they consistently feel they don't have enough.
I've seen rich people who have become fairly broke, relative to what they had previously, or somewhat just comfortable in normal terms. Doesn't look like they'll be getting rich again anytime soon.
I've seen broke people become comfortable, became broke again due to some decisions, and climbed out of it again to become comfortable again.
Mindset has a lot to do with it.
A poor person... could have a tendency to remain poor and broke. It's a mentality thing.
It's hard to break out of a mentality. And hard to break habits.
It's like losing weight. Even with counseling or advice... how easy is it for someone to lose weight and keep the weight off?
Now, don't misunderstand, I don't look down on poor people. Or broke people... I believe that they should be given sufficient help and guidance. But no one can live their lives or make decisions for them. And there's so much help that the government or counselors can give them.
I know of grassroot leaders who try to help some lower income/poor people. The government gives them heavily subsidized rental homes and maybe cash payouts, in the hope that they can overcome their rough patch. But some of these lower income, end up relying on the government help and just take it as part of their additional "income", and just settle in their new lifestyles expecting aid.
This grassroot leader also told me that there are other people who are given aid and they will find their way out of their bad patch. And as they don't have funds to distribute to everyone, they will help families who needs help for a period of time, but eventually they have to move on to other families cos they are looking for families who are able and willing to climb out of the situation.
They can't be consistently be pouring resources into folks who get used to the aid and cheap rent. As resources are limited, they have to utilize the resources on folks who are able to progress.
Then there's wealthy people. People who might be more willing to try and try again.
There are people who are fat, they lose weight, then they relax too much and gain weight again, but they aren't concerned, cos they know how to lose weight again, and they pick up good habits and lose the weight again, etc...
And... it's similar in finance, they earn some money, they lose some money, but overall, they have a confidence that they can get themselves out of the situation whatever the situation may be.
Do they need to be super rich to feel wealthy? Some do, some don't.
Remember I previously talked about many Singaporeans aren't actually struggling? And yet somehow people don't feel wealthy?
Think about it...
To end off...
How much of this is determined by birth?
How much is determined by family?
Can it be trained? I believe it can.
BUT... I also believe that some people learn better than others.
It's like fitness and health. Some people don't exercise can remain fit and slim, some people take more effort to keep fit. So same as physical fitness and training...
I think mental also can be trained. But... some people will have a harder time than others.
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