They never talked about it. So both parties never had any communication of their assets and what they were doing. It was pretty much a mess.
Also, somehow, they weren't really frugal. They didn't buy a lot of luxury products but there was a lot of unnecessary leakage, due to lack of communication.
So from a very young age, I had to filter out stuff that was good to learn and stuff that I shouldn't follow. Cos what they said and what they did were different so I needed to determine for myself which was the best thing for myself.
I remember a quote from my dad. Personally, I feel he doesn't follow this principle, but this quote left a big impact on my life and my future decisions.
Don't upgrade your lifestyle unnecessarily. If you don't upgrade your lifestyle in good times, you won't need to downgrade your lifestyle in bad times.
- ERSG's dad
Although my parent's didn't follow this line in practice, I did.
I've tried to keep my lifestyle constant since I started work. My expense has more or less remained relatively constant. Even after my pay doubled.
It's not that I don't love my parents.
Sometimes, I need to point these things out explicitly on the blog, cos it's easy to misunderstand.
They have provided for us in every way possible.
So I am forever grateful.
It's just that financially, I didn't find them a good example for me to follow.
So this post is short. Just wanted to share a quote from my dad which impacted my life greatly.