Then I went to the blog for freegans......
Ok so the whole idea is... well... people throw away perfectly good stuff... or expired but still good stuff...
This guy, Daniel Tay goes around collecting free stuff, food, etc etc. He keeps what he wants, and gives away what he doesn't require.
I like this whole idea. Free stuff. Why not?
And I do think that there's a lot of wastage. It's like I see the stuff some people throw out... so sayang right...
I'm trying to get in contact with him to see how he runs his operations.
Cos I want in. Where to find such lobangs, where is a good place to do it, the right time, etc etc...
From what I read, it's all about getting stuff for free.
So... he doesn't mind getting free, second hand stuff from people who are willing to give it away. He buay paiseh. That's fine. I also generally buay paiseh. I believe, if people are willing to give it, then I'll gracefully accept it. I don't like to push money around, as what usually happens when out with friends. I think it's ungraceful. If I want to "repay" my friend for his treat, I'll repay it in other ways.
He picks up stuff dropped off by people who dump it at the void deck. I've wanted to do that many times as well. There's some sofas and all that just being thrown away for no good reason.
He gets end of day food from bakeries, vegetable sellers, etc.
He also searches through bins looking for stuff which are usable.
From my past posts. I'm sure you folks know I'm ok to consume expired or reduced to clear food.
Ok I do draw some lines... quite a lot of lines actually.
But I still like the idea.
Cos I know there's stuff that I am willing to accept, and it doesn't need to be food stuff.
If I dumpster dive for food, I'm sure my wife wouldn't like it at all.
And apparently, he gets a lot of stuff when he goes collecting... and he recognizes this, and I like it that he understands the whole idea of hoarding. As he collects, he will hoard, and he knows that he needs to find a way to let them all go as well, pass it on to someone else who might need it, cos he will get more free stuff during his collections and it's an on going cycle, of finding new stuff, keeping what he wants/needs and passing it off to someone else who wants or needs it.
Anyway, I hope that he will contact me back. I've left a comment on the blog.
I can't seem to find his email and he has posted that he doesn't have a handphone so...
Just have to wait and see if he drops me a note. If someone knows a more direct method to contact him, please let me know.
I think it would be fun to learn more about this...
Free stuff in Singapore... Hey why not right...
Stay tuned... I hope I have an experience for me to write about.
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