Yesterday I met one of my friends. He was lamenting about some folks who were made redundant in his company.
Then he said he needed to save more and wanted to learn how I survived this long without a job.
Now I know he's just saying it, cos he's commented about it many times. He's thinking that there's some secret formula.
But there isn't, as we all know. I just spend less.
And I know what he spends on. The usual stuff, a bit here, a bit there and it all adds up.
Then I remembered a post by Mr Money Mustache many months back.
Something about running.
Someone who runs 1 mile (1.6km) casually might take 14 minutes. That's super long (to me) but he may think it's a fair timing.
Then there are those who take 3 minutes a round, 12 minutes.
Then there's the usual pace of 2 minutes a round, 8 minutes.
And pros who can do 1 minute a round, under 4 minutes.
And each level would think the other party is extreme.
I've never run an IPPT gold before. And I think people who can do it in under 9:45 are pretty spiffy.
And the guy who runs in 14 minutes might think it would take extreme training to be able to run in 8 minutes.
But like all folks who have been through NS know. 2 minutes a round is pretty easy for 4 rounds, and some light training is needed, but it's hardly what we would call extreme.
Then I look at spending. Duhz...
I think I'm pretty frugal. And my friend looks at me and thinks I have some secret formula.
He probably thinks my spending level is low and hard to attain.
And I'm pretty happy with spending $3,000 for the both of us...
Then obviously I think freegans are extreme.
(I'm using them as an example. I haven't gone fanatic... yet, I haven't even been able to do any freegan-ish stuff cos I've been out of town since I learnt about it.)
But think about it, some of these guys spend $100, or $50, and as normal folk, we think they are extreme.
But I think from their point of view... they must be thinking we are all mad to spend $3,000 a month!
Think about it.
My friend wonders how I can spend $3,000 cos he spends more than that.
I in turn, wonder how he can spend more than $3,000, cos I even have to induce spending to hit credit card spending limits.
And... similar to the running example...
I look at some freegans and wonder how they spend $100 per month...
They must think I'm mad to be spending more than $500 per month.
I remember when I was running 2 minutes per round. And there were guys faster than me, and there were guys slower than me, and I was thinking, why are those guys so slow, 2 minutes a round is hardly fast. I can 'jog' and still make 2 minutes a round. (Hey I was young once okay.)
It's pretty normal, once you hit a certain level to wonder why some folks are lagging far far behind.
Freegans must think I am weak SH*T.
And now that I look from their point of view... I AM WEAK SH*T.
$3,000 can last them for 30 months!!!
And even if we don't take their best players. Let's say $500 per month, that's 6 months. 6 times more efficient than me.
Which means... if I can reduce my spending even more, I will never be afraid that I run out of money.
If I think I can last 10 years with my money with my current spending, that means I can last 60 years with freegan habits.
If I think I can last 20 years... means I can last 120 years.
And that got me thinking...
I've gotten soft. I've gotten comfortable with my level of spending. My daily habits and everything.
I've rested on my laurels and thought that $3,000 per month is good enough.
That's not to say I'm going to go all extreme and drop my spending all the way down to $500 per month. My wife still works, she still wants me to send her to work and pick her from work daily, etc etc. So there's some spending that's going to be pretty fixed for the time being.
But I think I do need to go back to the drawing board a bit. I must be bathing in luxuries and I don't even know it.
Now, I'm not going to question how the freegans handle their town council or how they calculate their spending, or whether they are under insured or whatever.
As what I always say, take the best dump the rest.
So I just want to see how I can use this mentality upon myself and where I can drive down my expenses.
I take this idea very positively and want to see how I can make it work for myself.
So when I look at the table, what immediately stands out is that my discretionary spending is $1,000. This is essentially, the amount which is put on our 2 UOB One cards.
The car expense and Jetstar expenses are a part of my wife's work, she likes to drag me around on her trips cos she says it makes her trips more enjoyable. Especially when we recently were out of town for almost 3 weeks. She prefers to have me around.
Anyway, my wife works and she's definitely not going to be happy if I attempt to reduce the basic stuff, like home internet, daily air conditioning, etc etc. So let's just say most of these "fixed" expenses will remain.
The place where I can make adjustments would be on the $1,000 discretionary spending.
I'll likely try to cut $500 in my next few months and see how it works out. This just means I need to half the spending on my misc stuff, like food, toiletries, etc. So I'll need to find other sources for these items. Free stuff, or cheaper alternatives.
Anyway... stay tuned for future updates...
This post is basically to just say... I've realized that I'm WEAK. Or rather, I've gotten contented with my current expense level. No, I'm not going to cut expenses til my wife complains. Rather, as I keep saying. I'm trying to see HOW to make things work. HOW to keep as much luxuries as we enjoy and HOW to drive down expenses in spite of that.
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