I always felt that taxis were the last route for Singaporeans who had difficulty looking for jobs so these ride sharing apps resulted in jobs being taken away from the taxi uncles who really needed to preserve their rice bowls.
Then one day, I took my first Uber (this was already sometime back). Ever since then, I have always preferred Uber/Grab and if I could I would even call for Uber/Grab even if there was a taxi stand with a short queue.
Now why would I suddenly change my mind.
Below are some points.
1) Uber/Grab drivers are USUALLY better mannered.
They aren't as grumpy as the taxi uncles. No, seriously. There are nice taxi drivers and bad taxi drivers, there are nice/bad Uber/Grab drivers. I just find that generally, the percentage of grumpy taxi drivers are a lot more than for Uber/Grab. So for me, the user experience is really worth getting into that Uber/Grab as compared to taxis.
Not to mention when I take a taxi at Changi airport and want to go to Simei/Tampines the taxi uncles will mutter under their breath about how short the distance is as compared to the amount of time they had to wait to pick me up. I don't get that from Uber/Grab.
2) I get to use my credit card. Well it helps that every month I try to hit a certain amount of spending on my credit card so as to maximize my rebates and bank interest. Post on credit cards. So if I'm going to spend money on cabs. I might as well get rebates on them.
3) Cabs are scarce cos drivers don't drive. Not all taxi drivers drive to make a living. Some do it as a part time basis and use the vehicle for personal transport. I have sat in a taxi before where the cab driver told me that many taxi drivers hide away during rainy days at a coffee shop as it is more dangerous to drive during rainy weather. Errm... yea... exactly when more taxis are required on the road. I totally understand the need for safety. But seriously? I find that to be so inconsiderate for users.
Also, there is a regulation for cab drivers to drive like 250 km per day I think. How did this regulation come about? Well. Obviously it is due to drivers NOT driving sufficiently. Meaning taxi drivers would maybe make enough for the day and stop driving and all that.
Ok so I am generalizing a lot here. There ARE good hardworking taxi drivers and they are nice in cabs and all that. It's just that the percentage of good experiences with Uber/Grab is typically better than flagging a cab on the streets. So... yes I have been converted to become a Uber/Grab user. For a while...
I now drive. I used to have a vehicle 2 years back, then I scrapped it, then recently I bought a vehicle again as my wife works in a far inconvenient place so I fetch her daily.